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Writer's pictureAndrew Murchie

Tobe Hooper's LIFEFORCE Trailer in 3D

The endless admin required for production can be dauting, especially to those of us who have constant creative urges; so a break from the more mundane aspects was required, just to fulfil those needs and recharge the batteries. So it was time for another "just-for-fun" conversion.

One of the stranger requests we've had for conversion is a 1980's Tobe Hooper film "Lifeforce". Of course as it's copyright material we can't convert the entire film however the somewhat crazy trailer gives a little dimensional taster of what it might be like in 3D.

Following on from Phil's masterful conversion of the Dune 2 Trailer was always going to be a thankless task and not one anyone in their rational mind would want to compete with - so why not go the complete opposite direction?

So that's what I've done - the conversion doesn't necessarily stand up to very close examination, but with the quick cuts most of it holds together not too badly. It's definitely not up to the quality of the Dune 2 conversion, but the source material is equally somewhat more problematic.

It should be noted this is the international trailer and contains some mild nudity so is limited to 18+ viewing on YouTube.

For a film that is a sort of zombie vampires from outer space B movie you can imagine what to expect, highbrow cinema it is not.

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Oct 23, 2023

Can't wait for THE LIFEFORCE 3D SXS to come out...😎

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