We're finally able to share everything we've been up to on our Plan-D experiment including news of FOUR BRAND NEW 3D BLU-RAY RELEASES!

EYEPOP-3D Chief Dimensional Officer, Andrew, has released a video going through the thinking for Plan-D as well as sharing trailers for the launch titles! Grab your anaglyph glasses and join him for some 3d fun! (FULL SBS and HALF SBS are also available on our YouTube Channel)
In Summary:
PLAN-D Budget label for releasing niche Public Domain content.
Less manual fixes to speed up production.
Limited Marketing.
Simple barebones products.
Produced disc-on-demand.
Ships globally from USA.
Launch Titles:
FD01 - FREE-D-ONE (Free .ISO Download)* *Please note due to bandwidth constraints access may be limited. Request access via link. It may take 24 hours+ to respond to access request. FREE-D-ONE also available for a small fee from Gumroad Store.
Available from:
Plan-D Page - Product Catalogue Page
Gumroad - Digital Downloads where available
Kunaki A - Direct sales link for PD02 PD03 and FD01
Kunaki B - Direct sales link for PD01
PLEASE NOTE: Some products may only be available from certain links.