EYEPOP-3D is proud to announce a brand new 3D Film Conversion Project coming to 3D Blu-ray, "Electric Man 3D" (AIPOP-03) a great indie comedy caper now in glorious Stereoscopic 3D!

Follow comic shop proprietors Jazz & Wolf as they duck and dive, desperately hoping to resolve their financial woes when "Electric Man" Issue One falls into their hands whilst a cast of dubious characters home in on them and the ultra-valuable comic.

'Electric Man' is an acclaimed independent Scottish movie originally released in cinemas in 2011. A fast and funny hybrid of romantic comedy, chase thriller and caper movie set in Edinburgh, it is centred around the search for a rare and valuable comic, the very first issue of Electric Man and features Derek Dick (AKA the renowned Scottish singer Fish).


Now for the first time you have your chance to get your hands on this feature film converted into Stereoscopic 3-D on a very special edition 3D Blu-ray. This also marks the films first ever release on Blu-ray. And we need your help to raise funding for final production and to cover the conversion work done so far.
The Blu-ray is released as a "MAXIMUM COMPATIBILTY 3D BLU-RAY DISC", meaning this disc will play back on 2D systems in 2D, on modern 3D systems as Digital Polarised Stereoscopic 3D (frame-packed) AND IT ALSO includes a Red Blue Anaglyph 3D Version on the disc for viewers who want the 3D but don't have suitable hardware. We even supply a pair of Red Blue 3D glasses to make sure you get the most out of the package!
Please come on over to Kickstarter and give us your support. Sparks are gonna fly!
EYEPOP-3D is the home of high quality, independent 2D to 3D Film Conversions. We use the latest tools and emerging technologies to create budget friendly 3D conversions of classic and modern feature films, television shows and other motion content.