Hello all and welcome to our Spring update for EYEPOP-3D. It's been a little while since writing as there's been so much going on... so let's get on with the latest news.

Our latest Kickstarter has just launched reaching an amazing 75% funded in less than one day!
Horror Express is a superb gem of a horror from the 1970's featuring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing as well as a show stealing performance from Telly Savalas.
There's the usual mix of Kickstarter rewards, so please do head over grab a reward and show your support on Kickstarter.

Our most recent 3D Blu-ray, the new custom conversion of Vincent Price in "The Last Man on Earth 3D" has commenced shipping. Based on latest info from our distributor (Jonathan at Variety Films) the remaining batches of Blu-rays should all be shipped by the end of this week.
We've already had some great feedback...
"This 3D conversion of THE LAST MAN ON EARTH is superb."
"It's terrific. Beautiful depth through the whole thing..."
"Love the packaging and extras and the film was really great in 3d."
For those who missed it on the Kickstarter it should be available on our Gumroad Store at the end of this week, or possibly early next week. We just want to confirm all the Kickstarter rewards are shipped out first.

Our other recent conversion, "Electric Man 3D" has also started shipping and will also be available from the Gumroad Store very soon.
It's a double disc set available in a Standard Edition and Platinum Edition, with all the usual EYEPOP-3D Platinum Goodies.

As most of you will know, we're a really small team of 3D enthusiasts doing this and realistically delivering 3D Blu-rays is a massive undertaking that can't be underestimated. For us from start to finish it probably takes up to a year for a project to come to fruition - from the initial and very lengthy conversion process then authoring, design, Kickstarter, promotion, production and distribution. So with primarily having just three of us involved producing more than 3 or 4 discs a year is quite a stretch which has lead to me looking at alternative options.
So in the pipeline is a new experimental approach which we'll be branding "Plan D". With Plan D we're going to try out an alternative less demanding approach to convert and distribute films that may sell in smaller volumes or for whatever reason don't fit our more premium EYEPOP-3D standard approach. To us it makes sense to give a film like "House on Haunted Hill" the full year long conversion and launch treatment, but it may not be the case with much smaller or more niche films, but ones which could still be a fun watch, especially with that extra dimension!
Nothing specific is ready yet but we're looking at adapting our existing conversion technology and streamlining the overall process to release these additional films as efficiently as possible and with as little impact on our core premium EYEPOP-3D releases. We'll be forgoing the huge Kickstarter campaigns and massive marketing effort it takes to get traction for these and equally will look to manufacture these using a disc on demand process, so we won't have all the extra worries about stock, storage and distribution.
We'll still be striving to make these as good quality conversions as possible but with the more basic approach we'll be aiming to steer completely clear of any rotoscoping or very complex fixes that we are more likely to tackle on our premium EYEPOP-3D conversions.
And finally we'll be simplifying what we create - keeping it as barebones as possible: a 3D Blu-ray in a case with a simply designed cover. And most importantly in these days when finances are squeezed, we'll also be aiming to deliver these discs on a budget friendly level!
We do hope when this launches (likely in the next few months) that you'll give it a go and see what you think. It's as much an experiment for us to see if we can increase our output without massively compromising quality as it is to see if you will be interested in buying these conversions.
We'll be sharing a whole heap of trailers and fun 3d conversion stuff on YouTube during the "Horror Express 3D" campaign so do head over and subscribe to see some "funtastic" 3D conversions!